For the performance
of research.
Research Delivery & Planning
Built to Perform. Made to Measure.
What we do
Data collection and data management
Working as your fieldwork or data services provider, we manage the delivery process end-to-end. We draw upon decades of experience with CATI, F2F, online, observational research and qualitative recruitment. We carefully select, vet, brief and actively manage vendors... and we guarantee their product too.
Project and vendor management
We work with you to specify project requirements that promote robust and predictable response, and which minimise delivery and vendor risks. As your agent, we actively manage the data collection and any vendors. We promptly identify exceptions during fieldwork, and we assist you/your vendors in resolving them. We provide detailed reporting around sampling and quality outcomes.
Data management consultancy
We make assessments and provide advice that help you account for your exposure to data integrity risks, both routine and emergent. We have particular expertise with data quality, response fraud and bad-actor profiling. We provide forensic auditing of suspect response sets, and detailed reports and recommendations related to the same. Where you have been impacted by response fraud or other response integrity risks, we can assist with database repair, fieldwork remediation, and stakeholders.